
core memory [storage] (計算機的)磁心貯存器。

core tube

Of course since rendering is done by the blender rendering engine in core memory and by the main cpu of your machine , a graphic card with hardware acceleration makes no difference at rendering time 當然,由于渲染是在主存和cpu上進行的,故帶硬件加速的顯卡對于渲染時間的縮短并沒有幫助。

A pulse to gate the output of a core memory sense amplifier into a trigger in a register 將磁心存儲器讀出放大器的輸出選通到寄存器的觸發器中的一種脈沖。

A pulse to gate the output of a core memory sense amplifier into a trigger in a register 一種只讀存儲器,其中的內容可以擦除,使存儲器成為空白狀態。

Magnetic core memory 磁力記憶器

Core memory register 磁心存儲寄存器

Core memory resident 磁心存儲器常駐程序